The Counselling & Family Centre has been providing counselling to employed people for over 10 years.
We are a not-for-profit organisation which prides itself on adapting our service to meet the needs of individual employers.
Our counselling services are provided by a team of counsellors who have extensive experience and who are all employed by our service. We do not use self employed associates. We operate in locations throughout England and are ready to introduce new locations to suit new employers.
All counsellors must, as part of their contract of employment, maintain membership of an appropriate professional body such as British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy in England (COSCA).
All of our work is monitored by a Committee of Management made up of representatives of the following organisations:
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
- Occupational Health Professionals
- STUC and Employee Representatives
- Workplace Chaplaincy
Employee Counselling Service is Accredited by BACP and is a Recognised Organisation by COSCA and has achieved ISO 9001:2018certification.